First I came to Japan as a student at Tohoku University in Sendai in 1999. Then I began to teach Spanish as a part time at Miyagi Gakuin University and Miyagi Kyoiku. Don't worry about your age.Young or no so young is ok to learn Spanish. I've had a lot of experience teaching with different kinds of students.はじめまして!スペイン語読みかたはロマジとだいたい同じ読みかたです。スペイン語21国話します。北アメリカいろんなところスペイン語も話します、ラテインアメリカスペイン語とスペインのスペイン語同じです、例えば東京の日本語と大阪の日本語同じでしょ!
Due to the corona, I protect the students and myself using mask and face shield。安心して下さい!
Let"s try and enjoy studuying Spanish!